Modline linear modules are toothed belt driven systems with high accuracy, speeds and load performances.
Our experience in the fields of the automotive plants, painting, plate working, manufacturing machines and palletization systems has allowed us to widen our product range with the most advanced technical solutions.
The Modline family includes axes specifically dedicated to the use along the Z axis with pneumatic compensation of the load. The section integrates the pneumatic cylinder and encloses the passage of cables. It requires smaller motors, offering increased performances with savings in cost and energy.
Our products stand out for their:
high quality and competitive performances;
up to 12-m beams (longer lengths can be obtained with jointed versions), high level torsional rigidity, precise shape;
no play transmissions achieved by high torque couplings;
beams with transversal stiffening ribs and preset for threads on profile ends;
accurate scaling and consequent reduced maintenance;
fast and accurate belt or without play screw drives;
the most complete range of accessories.
The Modline linear module strong points are:
toothed belt driven linear modules;
rolling on trapezoidal or recirculating ball guides;
payloads from 3 to 2000 Kg;
up to 12 m beams (longer lengths can be obtained with jointed versions), high level torsional rigidity, precise shape;
precise machining of all profiles (on request: repeatability up to +/-0.05mm);
hardened and ground steel guide rails, for rollers or ball slides with cage;
fast, easy installation of pre-assembled systems for 2- or 3- axis cartesian robots;
backlash-free drive guaranteed by high torque clamping rings;
pre-engineered for assembly of commercial reduction units without disassembling the drive head;
solutions with guide rails designed for parallel assembly of modules; offer of complete solutions: reduction units, cable guides, micro-switches; machining to drawing suitable for custom applications.